Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2019

Indonesian Citizens

Indonesian Citizens 

Indonesia is the country of thousand islands and 3 time zones. It has 700 local languages and one national language. Due to it has many islands, it has 300 tribes and 5 legal religions. All the gift of God bring people in Indonesia to enjoy the natural life such as beaches, mountains, water fall, and islands. Part of them want to become Indonesian citizen by getting married or living long time in Indonesia and by applying an application another.

Citizen is the member of the country who has active role to support and to take responsibility that country (Sunarso, 2006: 51). According to Indonesia's constitution in the paragraph 1 of article 26, Citizens are original Indonesian people and other people who are passed by Indonesian constitution to be Indonesian. Several causes of  citizen changing are birth, appointment, application, naturalization, married, descent, and statement.

1. The requirement for Indonesian Citizen
There are requirements to become Indonesian citizen and these are to reject the negative effect of multiple identity. First, He/she is in 18 years old or was married. Second, he/she stayed in Indonesia more than 5 years in a row or more that 10 years over all. Third, he/she is physically and mentally healthy. Fourth, he/she can speak Indonesian language, acknowledge Pancasila, and the Indonesian constitution of 19945. Fifth, he/she is not multiple citizen. Sixth, he/she has permanent work. Last, he/she pays the citizen payment to treasury fund.

2. Becoming The Citizen
Some evidences to get Indonesian citizen are birth certificate, adoption letter for foreign children, and application granting letter (Tim ICCE UIN Jakarta, 2003: 82)
There are three things which automatically getting the Indonesian citizen such as marriage, descent, and birth. Additionally, a child from legal marriage and Indonesian parent, a child from legal marriage and one of parent is Indonesian, a child from legal marriage and one of Indonesian parent is died for 300 days, a child from illegal marriage and the mother is Indonesian citizen and a child who was born in Indonesia from parent without citizenship, they can be Indonesian identity (Ubaidaillah and Abdu Razak, 2010: 91).

3. The Right and The Obligation
After getting Indonesian citizen, there are citizen's rights and obligations. Every Indonesian people  have to take part in defending the country and they should participate in education from elementary school until senior high school. They have the right to work and decent life, to have a family under legal marriage, to life safety without violence and discrimination, and to participate in developing country.

More of all requirement to become Indonesian citizen are LOVE. Yeah.... You have to love Indonesia and that reflects form your history like your contribution to Indonesia or your mindset about Indonesia.

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